The Plaza is the center of the old village and there are numerous shops and restaurants all around the central square and the surrounding streets. Of course, MLA had to explore all of the shops. The colors of the goods for sale are spectacular and the selection of books at the books store concentrated on two of our favorite topics: local characters/outlaws and adventure travel.
I think one day, when I'm too old to drive the RV, I'm going to open a small bookstore. There I'' sit by the small fireplace and read. No matter that the book store will be located in a warm climate. Nope, I'll still have a fireplace, comfortable chairs, lots of natural lighting, and enough help to make sure I can perform the incredibly important job of pre-reading the books.
On the way out MLA twisted my arm to look into one more shop. It was here that my resolve weakened for a minute. This shop, Solamente de Mesilla, specializes in items from Southern New Mexico. The pottery wasn't my weakness not the other crafts and gifts. Nope, it was the salsa.
In any case I bought a jar of Dick's Cafe Hot Salsa - a recent award winner that is spicy and hot! I love it. MLA won't even touch the jar as she's not much for really spicy food/salsa however I really love it Here's the web site ; not everything in the store is on the web site however some of their salsas and hot sauces are available.
This evening we relaxed back at the RV. All in all a terrific and very relaxing day in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
See Ya!
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