
Casa Grande, AZ: Dances With Wolves It Ain't

Well, I am in for it now. The Palm Creek RV & Golf Resort, where we are staying, has a lot of activities. I mean, there are dozens & dozens of activities going on all the time. If you are bored here it's your own fault.

With all the activities offered here at Palm Creek I thought I was on safe ground. Water volleyball, pickle ball, shuffleboard, photography workshops, a wood shop course where we are making bowls on a lathe, glass workshops, silversmith classes, lapidary classes, all kinds of card games, lawn bowling, bingo, etc. are all offered. Go ahead, I told MLA, just pick out the activities you want to do together and I'll do them with you.

So what does she come up with? Ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dancing -- what was I thinking letting her have her choice of activities for the two of us? What is she thinking? Since when do we need ballroom dancing? And where are we gonna ballroom dance? I mean, we converted the RV's ballroom into bowling lanes and an indoor lap pool. We gotten to this point in life (into our fifties) without having formal ballroom dancing lessons. Why start now?

But it gets better. Then she tells me we will also be learning to square dance at the lessons offered every Wednesday at 1 pm. Why on earth would we attend square dance lessons I asked?So we can attend the square dance offered at Palm Creek twice a month she tells me. I had to ask.

Mostly I want to know how she found out about ballroom dancing and square dancing -- I ripped those pages out of the activity guide right away. Tore the pages up into little pieces and then deposited the scraps in multiple trash cans, thereby making it almost impossible to reconstruct. I took every precaution known to man and still she finds out about these classes.

See, I know a lot of people participate in square dancing AND that it is a lot of fun (I've been told) AND it's a form of exercise. All that I've heard and I believe it to be true (OK, the fun part is a little suspect but hey).

It's just, when I was growing up I was a bit of a, well, today I would be called a geek or a nerd. Then I was just called odd. In the hip 70's someone like me might even have been told they were 'square'. I actually would have preferred geek/nerd.... Being called a square was awful, one of the worst things you could say about someone. It meant that person was just the opposite of hip and/or cool. Of course, wearing glasses and getting my hair cut regularly put me pretty far down the path of being identified as a square.

So I did anything and everything I could to avoid actually being a square. I couldn't avoid taking computer and engineering classes; that was my major. That being said, there was no quicker path to being labeled not just a 'square' but a 'square for life' than square dancing. I knew it was to be avoided at all costs and for 50 years I have successfully avoided square dancing.

Not to mention square dancing music and all those petticoats scare the daylights out of me.

So, despite a perfect record of avoiding square dancing for over 50 years, I now find myself signed up for and expected to participate in square dancing.

And you know what I'm most afraid of?

I just might like it.... then what will I do?

See Ya!


2nd Trip: June 2008 through November 2008

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1st Trip -- February 2008 Through April 2008

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Maryland to Arizona to Prince Rupert, BC

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