Hung MLA's hammock however the tree's are so far apart the stretch of the rope allows the hammock to swing too low. MLA has her eye on one of those hammocks that folds up into a small package/bag, much like folding chairs. They are not quite as comfortable as the 'real' hammocks however they are extremely portable and work just about anywhere. Not to mention they set up in seconds -- perfect for my shortened attention span.
BTW - The Black Hills get their name from the huge forests of pine which cover the hills, attaching themselves where ever and when ever there is the slightest chance of survival, sometimes growing out of mere cracks in the rocks.
The shadows on the tree's, the bark and on the hills themselves give the forest a rich dark color that really does look black from a distance. It's when you get closer you realize the pine forests are causing these 'black' color on the hills. Beautiful regardless of whether you are far away or up close.
Found the National Museum of Wood Carving that looks interesting and I will try to visit soon. MLA saw some shopping in town she interested in, including a "Fur, Antler & Bones" shop. No telling what she might come out with from that store...
The camp itself is surrounded by the Black Hills National Forest on three sides; the forth side shares a boundary with the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve. MLA could not have found a better campground than Custer's Gulch.
What, you ask, is a "Gulch"? I was curious about that myself. Webster's defines it as "a small steep valley that usually contains a stream". See, who says you quit learning after retirement.
See Ya!
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