
Colorado Springs, CO: 220 Mile Loop Thru Heaven

What a great day!

It started off great when we received a phone call from Uncle Wayne and Aunt Joan. It was so good to hear their voice. We talked about our travels, Christopher's wedding but most of all we talked about where we are right now: Colorado.

Of course I had to tone down just how great Colorado really is; Uncle Wayne is retired and if he finds out how spectacular it is here in Colorado he and Aunt Joan would be on the next flight out! And we couldn't have that, could we?

Actually, that's not quite true. We would love to have them (or any of you) come out and visit us during our travels; just give us a call.
Just before lunch we took off on a 220 mile loop through some spectacular mountain scenery. The air was crystal clear and you could literally see for miles and miles. We arrived back home just before 5 pm MST, totally exhausted.

We drove through part of the forest that was destroyed about 5 years ago. Apparently some lady was upset with her boyfriend and decided to burn some love letters. How exactly that triggered the fire I don't know, but before it was over, tens of thousands of acres were burned and many people lost their homes. Eventually she ended up in jail. The whole story is sad but even there, driving through the burned relics of the forest, you could still glimpse how amazingly beautiful the forest had been and will be again.

The rest of the ride was through spectacular scenery. In many states they print a road map and then a scenic roads map. In Colorado they simply hand you the road map and when they tell you all of Colorado is scenic -- they are not lying.

The area where the plains of the mid-west hit the Rocky Mountains are called The Front Range. These mountain literally spring right up from the plains. As you ascend and pass through The Front Range and continue West, you hit mountain range after mountain range. How did the early settlers ever have the courage and fortitude to pass over what appeared to be endless mountains in a covered wagon? MLA & I are in awe of these early settlers -- of course, we can see why many decided to stay in Denver and surrounding areas.

One road we took followed the path of a rushing mountain stream/river; it was usually about 30 feet wide completely covered in white water caused by both the rate of descent and all of the boulders the water flowed over and around. So beautiful it was hard to keep your eyes on the twisty road.

At one point this river flowed through a high mountain glade painted with every imaginable shade of green, all sparkly and clean. This area was being farmed rather than ranched. Very strange to see them harvesting the summer crops on the first day of August. The hay had been cut, dried, and baled; all that was left was to gather the bales and store them away for winter, which, this high up in the mountains, will come soon.

At one point we drove over a high mountain pass and, as we reached the peak, there before us was an immense area of flat land completely surrounded by enormous mountains. It felt like a volcano caldera except it had to be at least 50 miles across. Like much of the the mountain land this land was being ranched; the various ranch houses were mere specs far in the distance.

We arrived home totally spent from the heat and the ride; my neck is still sore as my head swivelled from one side to the other trying to take it all in. Simply spectacular.

Tomorrow we are taking a train ride through the Royal Gorge. The train follows the path of a river, literally just feet away from the river, through a narrow canyon. Supposed to be.... well, I was going to say spectacular but how many times can I use that word? Rather than tell you I promise to bring back some pictures from the train ride and let you judge for yourself.

Until then, See Ya!


Anonymous said...

Great photos! I visited Colorado Springs in 2005 and fell in love with it. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

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