
Casa Grande, AZ: Meet The Neighbors Cocktail Hour

One element of the RV lifestyle that never changes is the fact you are constantly meeting new people. Whether it's at the campground, on tours/caravans or attending rallies, meeting lots of new people is an enjoyable part of the process.

Not one to remember names -- not to worry. Everyone is in the same boat. Lots of events have participants wear their name tags however everyone understands the difficulty of remembering all those names. Many people, including Mary Lynn and I, make it a point to refer to one another by name, especially when relating a story to someone else.

One activity that is a constant is the cocktail hour around the campfire, even in campgrounds such as our current park where open fires are not allowed. People get together for an drinks and h'ordeurves or maybe for a pot luck.

Tonight we had just such a potluck, (mostly) for the people on the same street to get to know one another. Everyone brings a chair, a side dish, and it's usually BYOB -- Bring Your Own Beverage. Of course there's always a round of introductions where each person introduces themselves and their spouse. People usually mention how long they have been 'on the road', what type of RV they have, and where they are from initially.

Tonight's get together had 4 Canadian couples, 4 couples from Washington State, and one couple from the following states: Oregon, Montana, Utah and of course, MLA & I from Maryland.

The guy from UTAH said his other wives are coming down next week, at which point his wife hauled off and smacked him. I know many people think men in Utah have multiple wives & this guy was quite excited by the potential of having several wives; it was obvious his wife did not appear to share his enthusiasm on the subject....

We met one couple who have a Harley and want to go riding with us as soon as I get a new battery for the Harley, which should hopefully be accomplished on Monday when the temperatures are cooler. Today was beautiful however cooler weather is setting in. Temperatures will only get to mid-50's on Monday & Tuesday before returning to the high 60's- mid 70's later in the week.

It sure cools off quickly at night here. Once the sun dips below the horizon the night air starts to get chilly pretty quick since there are rarely any clouds to help hold in the warmth.

See Ya!


2nd Trip: June 2008 through November 2008

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1st Trip -- February 2008 Through April 2008

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Maryland to Arizona to Prince Rupert, BC

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