
Casa Grande, AZ: You Meet The Nicest People On A ... RV Trip

I've said it before and I'll say it again. You meet some of the nicest people when you get a chance to meet fellow RVers. Everywhere we go we have been amazed at how open and welcoming fellow RVers have been to one another.

Time after time, after you get to know some of these couples (and it is mostly couples) you realize just how many ha
rd working, kind and decent people their are in this world. We have met people from all over the US and Canada, most of whom are soft spoken friendly people. 

So it got me to thinking. Is RVing a magnet for these special people? Or, are there kind, decent, hard working people throughout the US & Canada, some of whom are fellow RVers? 

People who RV are necessarily easy to talk with. When you are travelling throughout North America, many times far from your family and friends, you welcome the opportunity to spend time with others. Most RVers go out of their way to introduce themselves and their spouse to their neighbors. This happens even when you are only going to be neighbors for a night or two. 

So, as I said, it got me to thinking and my conclusion the US and Canada are literally 'chock full' of decent people. It's only through the media we are conditioned into believing we are surrounded by people of low moral character and that it is not safe to walk the streets.

Now I'm not so naive as to believe there is no danger 'out there'. Of course there are people who take advantage of others however I don't think its as bad as it seems if your only source of data is the media. As for MLA & I, we have other sources that tell us the world is not nearly as bad as the media would have you believe.

See Ya! 


2nd Trip: June 2008 through November 2008

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1st Trip -- February 2008 Through April 2008

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Maryland to Arizona to Prince Rupert, BC

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