
Casa Grande, AZ: Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you from paradise. Or at least as close to paradise as Mary Lynn and I have found in the US at this time of year. 

Today started with MLA & I riding our bikes throughout the park. Today was "Patio Sale" day in the park; anyone who wanted could set up a table of items for sale on thier patio. The park publishes a map which shows all the sellers locations in order to guide the buyers. There were about two dozen sites that had goods (I use that term loosely) for sale. 

Over all Mary Lynn did pretty good and avoided making any purchases that are impractical for us while living the wandering life while living in an RV. Pretty good but not perfect. There was one item she felt we absolutely had to own. What was the item? I'll tell you in just a minute although I have little doubt that anyone reading this will guess correctly.

Now those of you who know MLA know how much she used to enjoy going to yard sales when we lived in Maryland. Since we hit the road a year ago, MLA has been unable to pursue this interest. And for good reason. There's just not enough room in the RV to be buying/accumulating items, even if they are next to free. She has battled this addiction valiantly, resisting all temptation, until today. 

Today was her opportunity to 'cut loose' and relive a little of her past yard sale addiction. I mean, it was Valentine's Day after all. How could I refuse her request? We rode all over the park and she was able to shop/browse at all two dozen Patio Sales. You should have seen her smile. She was downright giddy.

Then we went out for a late breakfast/early lunch. Of course, I was able to get back in time to enjoy a little water volleyball. Seriously, it's like an addiction. No day is complete without a few hours of water volleyball. and a little soak in the hot tub afterwards.

For years, MLA and I have not gone out to dinner on Valentine's Day; it is just too crowded. We always make it a habit to go out the day after Valentine's Day for our Valentine's Day celebration. We both hate standing in line/waiting for a table at a restaurant. So tomorrow we'll find a nice restaurant and we'll be able to enjoy a great meal without all the crowds.

However that's for tomorrow. 

What's that you say? What did MLA buy after such a long break from browsing yard sales? I'll tell you but you are not going  to believe it. 

She bought a steamer.  Yep, you heard me -- well actually you read it not heard it -- however that is what she bought. A steamer. Fill up the plastic jug with 1/2 gallon of distilled water, plug the unit in, and viola! almost unlimited amounts of steam. Far be it from me to criticize, especially since she is trying to solve the issue with our combo washer/dryer wrinkling our clothes, mostly my shirts. So her heart is in the right place. Some of my shirts wrinkle so badly they are about 1/2 as long after drying as the are prior to being washed. 

So MLA purchased a steamer. It has a pole that attaches to the steamer that's about 6 feet tall and probably weighs 25 pounds. I don't have a clue where we'll store it or where we'll be able to set it up but hey, I'll be one of the best dressed campers at the RV park. I know all the other campers will be jealous....

See Ya!



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