In any case it's really old. It's trunk has a circumference of 25.5 feet. While it's only 65 feet tall, which is not all that tall, it shades 17,000 square feet and it's largest limb is 11 feet in circumference and 89 feet long. Wow! Amazing.
Most folks think it's named for the Angel-like aura effect it gives off under it's canopy.
It's only when someone is standing next to the tree you can fully appreciate just how massive this tree really is. The low country is filled with Live Oaks; until now I thought of many of these trees as massive. Now I know better. Live Oaks that are 400-500 years old, and have seen the history of this great land, are just young'uns.
Had a great Pot Luck last night & tonight with the other members of the Southeast Region Tiffin Owners associated with the Tiffin RV Network. Great people and a great forum. Said good bye tonight as we'll be 'moving on' first thing tomorrow.
The "no see'ums" are terrible throughout the low country. These insects have been biting like crazy. MLA is covered with red marks all over. Won't be sad to put them behind us.
Not sure how far we'll be going tomorrow; we need to be in Petersburg, VA (just south of Richmond) by Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully wherever we end up will have wi-fi so I can update the BLOG.
We'll arrive back in Maryland on Wednesday. It'll be great to see the kids and our friends. A chance to get the RV cleaned and restocked. Planning to stay at home for several weeks and then get back out on the road, probably around mid-May. We'll see.
See Ya!
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