
Casa Grande, AZ: Make Your Dreams Come True Now

Given the incredible losses during the last several months in housing, the stock market, and the economy I was feeling a little down about the impact to our portfolio and it's possible impact on our RV lifestyle.

I mean, Mary Lynn and I are having the time of our lives. We enjoy the RV lifestyle and all the wonderful people we are meeting. Like us, many are concerned about what the future holds. Most want to know how long the economic downturn might last or how long before stock market investments re-gain some of their value.

While many folks have been impacted, most still have their original assets (homes, stocks, etc) even though these assets now have much less value than they did just a year or two ago.

Then on the evening news I see that Bernie Madoff plead guilty to 11 criminal charges all centered around his bilking $65+ Billion dollars from investors. These investors, which included celebrities, executives, rich investors, middle income investors, universities, and charities, have lost everything they had invested with Madoff.

And some of these investors had all/most of their money invested with this crook. Now its gone -- or appears to be gone. 

So as concerned as I am about what has happened to our investments, at least the opportunity exists for these assets to regain some/all of their value. Those ripped off by Madoff have no such opportunity.

All the while, Madoff claims he acted alone. And, according to Madoff, all the money is gone. I have only one question.

Where does $65 Billion dollars go? How could Madoff and his family spend that much money and not have accumulated more assets?

OK, that's two questions. 

So what does it all mean? I don't know the answer, at least not the entire answer. 

What I do know is this. There are no guarantees in this life for any of us. I am incredibly grateful that MLA and I have had this opportunity to see the country by RV together. 

And that's my appeal to you. Get out now and do whatever it is you have been dreaming about. Explore the country by RV as MLA and I have done. Take your boat and explore the Caribbean. Travel to Europe and/or Africa or where ever it is you have dreams about. Take your family on that incredible vacation you have imagined time and again.  

If you wait until the ideal time to go you will never go. Do what you can to pay off/eliminate debt. Reduce your expenses. Do whatever you need to do to make your dreams come true. It's that simple: get dreaming -- get scheming -- and get going. Now!

See Ya!


2nd Trip: June 2008 through November 2008

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1st Trip -- February 2008 Through April 2008

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Maryland to Arizona to Prince Rupert, BC

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