At times, this beautiful backdrop took center stage as a dolphin swam about 50 yards away, slowing herding and eating small fish while 3 pelicans huddled nearby to take advantage of the dolphin's work. The pelicans provided a great visual reference for where to look for the dolphin to surface as they waited to steal a meal.
Steal is not the right word -- I would say 'leverage the dolphin's efforts' however that sounds too much like the language of the work place -- and we were definetely not in the workplace. Let's just leave it as the pelicans took advantage of the dolphin's work. Not sure what the pelicans brought to the party other than thier appetite however the dolphin did not seem to mind thier presence.
While we ate, one of the charter boats came in from an afternoon of fishing. "The Big Easy" docked, and unloaded their catch on the pier. One good sized fish about 36 inches long and a number of smaller fish. Not a huge catch but not a shut out as so often happens in fishing. Reminded me of the gentlemen we saw fishing in Louisiana. When we asked the required "How's the fishing?" he replied without missing a beat, "The fishings great, the catchings a little slow". Typical fisherman.
Earlier in the day we had a chance to lay by the pool for a while at the campground. Came within one degree of setting a record high temperature around here today and a lot of people took advantage of the pool. Almost everyone brings a 'noodle' to the pool and uses it as a float, either sitting on it or wrapping it around and under thier arms. Must have been 25 people floating and bobbing and talking in the pool around noon. I told MLA the best term to describe the group was a 'gaggle' of snowbirds.
I've never seen so much untanned white skin. The only skin that was not untanned was burnt red. Not pleasantly pink ready to turn into a nice tan. We are talking fire engine, honey don't ever touch me again, red.
Nor have I seen this much wrinkled skin in one place on display. And quite a few of those big beer bellies that are as hard as a bowling ball and look if they are about ready to explode. It is the strangest thing, a huge belly with absolutely no jiggle to it.
Now I'm the last person to criticize a big belly as I have had an extended lease on one myself but how do you get that belly to look like you are pregnant with the skin stretched so tight? It looks as if one pin prick would cause the individual to fly around like a ballon releasing its air...
I know it's not right but when some guy with a huge belly sat in a chair next to me, I felt a strong desire to move away before his belly exploded. Seriously, it looked as if his belly would explode just from the pressure of sitting down. When he pulled a sandwhich out of his bag and started to eat, the decision was made for me. I told MLA I had enough sun for one day and was headed back to the RV.
How do you tell your spouse your concerned the gentlemen next to us is going to explode and it's in her best interest to come back to the RV with me? And not sound like a flaming lunatic? I didn't even try...
Never heard an explosion so I guess he made it through another meal however it had to have been a close call... So when the night comes when there is an explosion from somewhere in the campground outside of our RV and MLA shakes me awake and asks what that noise was, I'll just quietly roll over and just before contentedly falling back asleep, whisper "midnight snack"...
See Ya!
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